Showing category "General Chit-Chat" (Show all posts)

Busy Busy Busy!

Posted by Dave Croft on Wednesday, September 28, 2011, In : General Chit-Chat 

Woah, what a busy lunch today!

We sold out of our Tandoori Special, had to remake our paninis and the telephone was ringing off the hook!

If you missed today - you missed the buzz!

Deptford Market days for you! lol

Have a great rest of the week guys and watch out for tommorow's special offers!

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A new week guys....Halloween coming!

Posted by Dave Croft on Monday, September 26, 2011, In : General Chit-Chat 
Firstly apologies for not opening this last Sunday (26th September) guys! Poor Pete (our Head Chef) got a bad cold so he stayed in bed and snuggled up under the sheets to sleep it off. He's now back to fighting fitness so you can expect more tasty treats on offer the week ahead.

So.....Halloween is coming!

What festive treats do you want to see us cook up for you? We toyed with the idea of a poltergeist pasta, satanic pizza and even a chilling cheese cake...

Now, over to you guys... you are our...
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